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Andrei Calazans

The XSS dangers in interpolating styled-components

/ 2 min read

Avoiding XSS Vulnerabilities in styled-components

I recently learned at work with a coworker of how one can easily introduce XSS vulnerabilities in a React application when using styled-components. This article will explain how this can happen and how to avoid it.

The Problem

Consider the following styled-components example:

const Container = styled.div`
  position: ${(p) => (p.isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'relative')}; // this is safe
  top: ${(p) => p.offsetTop}px;

At first glance, it seems harmless to pass p.offsetTop directly into the top property. However, this can lead to security risks if the value of offsetTop is not sanitized and an attacker is able to control its value. Here’s why:

  1. CSS Injection: If offsetTop contains malicious code, it could inject arbitrary CSS.
  2. JavaScript Execution: When this style is server-side rendered (SSR), an attacker could execute JavaScript within the context of the user’s session.
  3. External Requests: Malicious CSS, such as a background-image property with a URL, can trigger requests to external services, leaking sensitive user data.

Why This Happens

The root cause is the inability to safely escape CSS when injecting styles into <style> tags inside HTML. Unlike HTML attributes, which React can safely escape, CSS allows unsafe characters that could be exploited.

Real-World Example

Imagine an attacker controlling offsetTop by injecting a payload:

const maliciousPayload = `10px; background-image: url("")`;

// Usage in a component
<Container offsetTop={maliciousPayload} />;

This would render the following unsafe CSS:

.Container {
  position: relative;
  top: 10px; background-image: url("");

When the browser processes this style, it could leak sensitive user data to the attacker’s server.

Safe Alternative

To prevent this kind of vulnerability:

  1. Sanitize Inputs: If you must, always validate and sanitize user inputs before using them in styles.

    const sanitizeValue = (value) => parseInt(value, 10) || 0;
    const safeOffsetTop = sanitizeValue(userInput);
  2. Avoid Direct CSS Injection: Refrain from using variables directly in styled components if they come from untrusted sources.

  3. Limit Interpolations to Flags: Only use interpolations for boolean flags or predefined values, not for arbitrary CSS properties.

const predefinedAcceptedOffset = {
  0: 0,
  1: 10,
  2: 20,
const Container = styled.div`
  position: ${(p) => (p.isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'relative')}; // this is safe
  top: ${(p) => predefinedAcceptedOffset[p.offset]}px;