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Andrei Calazans

How to listen to uncaught/unhandled errors in React Native

/ 2 min read

At work our team has been tracking error rates in our app by having a separate Bugsnag project for errors shown to user. These errors are typically caught by error boundaries or try/catch blocks. Surprisingly, we recently noticed we were not catching errors within callbacks.

Errors within callbacks are not caught by error boundaries. Naturally we think that we will catch them through try-catches, but that’s not the case. Try-catches are often only reached for in asyncronous code, we don’t have a tendency of writing try-catch blocks for synchronous code.

Thus we need a way to catch these uncaught errors globally. This resulted in this quick reaseach on how to listen to uncaught/unhandled errors in React Native (this works for pure React as well).

How to listen to uncaught/unhandled errors in React Native

If an error is thrown in a callback as follows:

<Button title="Press me" onPress={() => {
    console.log('Button pressed')
    throw new Error('Error from user: Button pressed')

We can catch it via the setGlobalHandler:

globalThis.ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler(function (thrownValue: unknown, isFatal: boolean) {
	if (thrownValue instanceof Error) {
		console.log("Caught error:", thrownValue.message, thrownValue.stack);

Since thrownValue can be anything be careful and check its type.

Logged caught error

Since we are reaching into the global object, in React Native we need to declare the type definition of ErrorUtils:

In your global.d.ts extend the global object:

export declare global {
	var ErrorUtils: {
		setGlobalHandler: (callback: (error: unknown, isFatal: boolean) => void) => void;
		getGlobalHandler: () => (error: unknown, isFatal: boolean) => void;

In your tsconfig add the global.d.ts file to the include key:

latest expo app tsconfig will look like this:

  "include": [