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Andrei Calazans

Git worktree

/ 2 min read

Today I Learned

Inspired by David K.’s tweet

How does git worktree work

By default, when you do git worktree add <path> it will create a folder in the path you specified, checkout in a branch with its name as the folder, and any changes you commit in that workspace/branch will sync with your main local repo. So you can delete that worktree folder later or remove it by doing git worktree remove <path> and you won’t lose your committed changes.

Why is this useful?

  • Isolated duplicate local repo. You could for instance have the same app running in two places with different changes.
  • Isolated repo allows you to test different changes without disrupting a possible uncommitted working tree. Sure you can always git stash but that can get out of hand easy.

Main commands to know:

  • git worktree add <path>

Creates a copy of your main working tree in the path you specified without the gitignored files, so you will need to install dependencies again.

  • git worktree remove <path>

Removes the working tree in the path. However, any committed changes are always sync back to the main local repo.

  • git worktree add <path> <branch>

Checkouts as an existing branch. This will create another working tree in the path you specified but this time checked out with the branch you specified.

  • git worktree prune

Cleans up any stale worktrees.

A tip is to always put your different worktrees outside the main repo for it not to be included in your Git changes.

See full documentation in git-scm site